
This is some sample content of your home page.

You can modify the content here by logging into system backend, then navigate to Content > Home. The text editor allows you to use variety of stylings i.e. HTML tags, however, do not support for javascript.


Managing Home Page Slider

The home page slider is enabled by default. You can disable it if you do not wish to display it at your website's home page. Kindly navigate to system Backend > Configuration > Display Configuration and choose "Hide" for "Display Home Page Slider" option.

To manage the slides, kindly navigate to Backend > Content > Slideshow. There you can see list of slides, you can add/edit/remove from that page.

We recommend you to use slide images according to the recommended dimension stated for better results.


Inserting Media

Insert media (images/videos) into content is easy with the built-in full-featured rich text editor. Click on the insert image/video button at the toolbar and start managing your media content. You may upload, manage, creating folders etc from the image/video manager. Note that all uploaded files are stored in your local storage. Besides, to enhance your website's browsing experience, try avoid using huge dimension or huge file size media file in your content, as it might take forever for visitors with slow connection speed to load the content.

Resize and compress your media contents!


Changing Template

Using SME Builder!, changing website template is easy. Navigate to Backend > Configuration > Display Configuration, select your preferred template and you are good to go.


Advanced Usage

SME Builder! is fully compatible with Bootstrap 2.3.2 (link), which means you can use all of their defined classes for your content styling. For example, we can use Bootstrap grid system to divide content into "columns", used together with defined class "well", as seen below :

This advanced usage section is designated for people who are familiar with HTML/CSS only.

Column 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce commodo porta dolor, nec dignissim nisl ultrices ac. Maecenas hendrerit quam velit, sit amet scelerisque neque commodo sit amet. Duis convallis, elit ac aliquet tincidunt, nisi odio tristique neque, id tincidunt lectus risus eu enim. Integer pellentesque, eros accumsan venenatis molestie, purus ipsum venenatis nisl, eu volutpat dui mi id quam.

Column 2

Aenean rhoncus suscipit interdum. Praesent ac dolor vestibulum urna aliquam euismod sed congue lorem. Nam aliquam ut purus laoreet mattis. Fusce in ante ullamcorper, pulvinar dui at, placerat leo. Nam ornare dolor vel pretium mollis. Donec id sagittis magna. Maecenas facilisis ornare diam nec porttitor. Fusce iaculis venenatis convallis. Suspendisse quis justo ac lorem eleifend scelerisque.

Column 3

Duis tempus tortor id vestibulum vehicula. Ut a sollicitudin nisl. Aenean rutrum, sapien a aliquet consequat, ipsum purus porta tellus, in bibendum ipsum libero in metus. Donec semper egestas porta. Mauris feugiat, nibh sed adipiscing lacinia, metus mi posuere erat, malesuada fringilla enim ligula vel felis. Nam eget egestas erat. Sed congue ac ligula eget pretium.

Special thanks to ...

Bootstrap! Take some time to view their website and documentation for more in-depth styling (link).

Javascript are disabled in the rich text editor.